SQL Park Team
Mission Statement
My personal philosophy is to give correction without resentment. I plan to win learning, education so my members can win business, (not necessarily measured on a scoreboard, I don’t like that way of thinking). Would like my members to learn:
- Never try to be better than anybody else
- Always learn from others (Holistic)
- Never cease trying to be the best they can be, (only they will know that, they can fool me, parents, each other, but they can’t fool themselves)
Would endeavor to teach the difference between winning and success (which is, “Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to be the best of which you are capable, under the conditions that exist for you”)
Would like them to recognize the difference between character and reputation (one is what you are perceived to be and the other is what you really are) “Character is much more important”. They may think they are the same, but not necessarily so. Want them to have character, not be a character.
By season's end I would like them to acknowledge that “Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.”
And “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” (Wooden 2003)
Wooden, J 2003, They Call Me Coach, McGraw Hill Education, viewed 5/10/2017, http://simplyg.com/woodens-wisdom-with-craig-impelman/ .
What do we do?
We want to help business succeed. We aim to encourage people to further their knowledge in the fields of internet technology by offering connection to architecture in this field. We offer encouragement to always aim for better outcomes in website applications, and assist with prescribed code.
Our web site offers internet businesses the opportunity to list their services on a worldwide stage. Sqlpark.com.au completes secure registers for service providers wishing to benefit from being associated with our comprehensive knowledge. The organisation will build detailed formulars to complete any task. We allows business the opportunity to hand pick suppliers from our vast selection of service providers.
Sqlpark.com.au can build, both, database orientation applications or utility applications built with mapping or speadsheet documentation.
Our attitude towards learning is to encourage, explore, motivate, develop and aim to encourage achievement.
We can foster introductions into security smartcards, permission smartcards or simply reading eproms, pics and chipsets.
SQL Park benefits business by building applications to personally find the disciplines each company needs to fulfill all their requirements.